Subtitles in videos

The subtitles are in Fortum Sans Medium. Font size is 40 pt and line height is 45 pt. The subtitles have a maximum of two lines per scene. The recommended length of each text row is no more than four columns wide, which is about eight-word maximum per line. Try to keep subtitles no shorter than one second on screen.  The subtitles are in white with a thin black stroke and sharp drop shadow. The sharp black edge helps the text pop even on lighter backgrounds.

In cases where the background is very light or even pure white for longer periods of time, the white subtitles might feel too difficult to read even with the sharp shadow and outline.

In these cases, a black background box with 20% opacity can be put behind the subtitles.

In social media sizes the font size is 45 pt and line height is 50 pt. The subtitles are placed 10% distance from the bottom of the canvas in 4:5 and 1:1 ratios.

Remember that story format has an extra clear space of about 250 px on the top and bottom.